tisdag 18 mars 2014

the full monty

The full Monty – Questions and exercises

How has Sheffield changed in the last twenty-five years? Why has it changed?
Before people had jobs and now all the facteris has closet and no one has jobs now

Why is Gaz angry about the Chippendales at first? Why does he change his mind?
because he want to have al the audience around him, its way hi and his friends started the group

What kind of relationship do these couples have?
-Gerald and Linda – I think that the don't have a good relationship because the don't say things to each others and they do not look like they like each other

-Gaz and Mandy - a bad relationship because they are not married and Mandy wants gaz to pay money because Nathan lives whit her but gaz don't have a job and he is on the dole

What importance do these have in the story?
-The video Flashdance
-Arsenal offside trap
-the film Singing in the rain

Why doesn't Gaz want to tell Alan the reason for hiring the Working Men's Club?
I think that he is embarrassed to say that he don't have money because ha don't have a job

Why is Dave worried about taking part in the show?
Because he don't like his body and he think that he is to fat.

How does Dave become a different person after his conversation with Jean?
I think that he needed that compliment because he was down and hi was thinking that he was to big and when he got that compliment he believed in him self.

Why doesn't Gaz want to go on stage? How does Nathan make him change his mind?
He was embarrassed because it was a lot of boys and he did not think that he thought that it was going to be just girls

How have the men changed since they formed the stripper's group?

I think that the have bin close friends and that the  


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