Notthing hill
6 december
the book is about a man ho has a bookshop, hi name is William thackerAnd Anna Scott com to his shop and hi was realy hapy.Hi did have a wife but they got divorst. Hi live in a smal village calde notting hill.And i´m at page 6.
10 december
Now I´m at page 12 and what hapening is that Anna come to William, because she needed the toilet and a phone.And his house was a really mess and he asked if she wanted a cup of coffee or something but she said no to everything.William´s lodger Spike didn´t give him his message from an american girl and it was Anna. She lived in a hotel but she didn´t use her name, she used another name.So her fans didn´t find her.When he called her she asked if he wanted to take a cup of tea or coffee with her,and he said yes and he was really happy.
i have reed a novell, and it's about a girl thats have a best friende. But she haft to go to London because her ant wants her there.When she coms she was rely suprict, the house was so big and her rom to.The next day she started a new school. She has promest her frinde not to be sad or let any wan put her down.She walk in and it was big to.
17 december
I have started to reed a book called Criminal and i´m page 30. Its about a class and its called All star high and Jacky had a camera but someone tok her camera. All of the people in All star high was missing something except Zeke, Zeke use to bi in a group, the group was really bad the use to take things and hit people. And now all of the things it Zeke. And the are watching the camere in the school video.And the se that its 3 people whit masks, they don´t now if it girls or boys.
1. What was jacky looking for
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2. Why did jacky wonder if Zeke was the thief
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3. Why had the concert in the park been cancelled
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4.What trouble had Zeke been in before
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5.Why did't jacky's plan work the first time
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6.Why didn't it work the second time
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7.Why didn't it work on wednesday
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8.Why didn't Zeke dance well at the rehearsal
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9.Where had jacky left her video camera
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10. Which student was trying to get Zeke expelled? why?
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10 januari
i have reed a novell, and it's about a girl thats have a best friende. But she haft to go to London because her ant wants her there.When she coms she was rely suprict, the house was so big and her rom to.The next day she started a new school. She has promest her frinde not to be sad or let any wan put her down.She walk in and it was big to.
forrest gump
i started to read a book and it's calld forrest gump. It's about a man that